Ministries / Worship & Creative Arts


One of the most important things we do at Five Rivers is to come together every week and experience the power of God's presence. People from different backgrounds and generations join as one to engage in worship as a family. It is here that we are refreshed and realigned. From the place of corporate worship, we go into our homes, schools, and workplaces as carriers of the joy, hope, and life found in presence of God.

Worship Is What???

We believe that worship is not just the song service, but it is a lifestyle that we live. Worship is, first and foremost, a verb. It is the act of putting worth on an object or, in our case, GOD ALMIGHTY. A lifestyle that exists to bring glory to God, and we live to accomplish that purpose. 

What We Do...

We provide an opportunity for God to pour His love and presence back upon you, so that you will have a greater desire to know and be known by Him. It is our passion that He would awaken a hunger in your heart to pursue Him with abandon in your life!

We not only minister to you every week, but we also connect and minister to the Father. That is why we exist! We also want to identify, nurture and develop individual that God has chosen and purposed to be leaders and examples in the ministry of music.

We pray that through the worship ministry of Five Rivers you can establish a place of worship in your heart that releases a healing for the hurting, freedom for the captive and hope for the hopeless and setting at liberty those who have been crushed! 

How To Get Involved..

There are so many places for you to “jump” in! Whether you have an interest in singing, playing an instrument, a love for electronics or all of the above, we have a place for you. We also have specialized training in each of the above areas just for you.

If you have an interest in any of our areas of ministry, we want to meet you! Feel free to contact the office at 410.398.4234 or email @